Buiti of natur

Bangladesh is famous for two of its gift of nature. One is the longest sea –beach of Cox’s Bazar and another is the Sundarbans. But to be true, the impact of the sundarbans on our life is far more than that of the beach. The sundarbans is at the same time the largest mangrove forest in the world, a serene tourist stop, natural habitat for a large number of species,
some of which are facing threat of extinction source of living for millions of people of the south western coastal region and finally, a savior of the hole country times of natural calamities like Sidr and Aila. In the event of sidr 2007in the forest suffered a severe blow. If trees and animals were badly affected. But as the forest contains the indomitable spirit of living in itself, like the phoenix of Greek mythology, it survived the blow and become green again.
The forest stretches over Bangladesh and India, but Bangladesh has the large portion of it. The area of sunderbans in our country is 6,017 sq km, approximately 4% of the total area. Every country ought to have forests not less then 25% of its total area. We have only 16% and the sunderbans covers 40% of it .Carbon emission by the advanced nations is causing catastrophic environmental damage such as climate change and the less develop and poor countries are the worst affected. In the backdrop, every country has to have its own protection against environment odds and forestation is the ultimate solution. The sunderbanes is like a shield against the natural calamities that visit us routinely.

The impact of the sundarbans on our life is manifold. It has its impact on the on the economy, environment and biodiversity. Most of the people of the southwestern region depend on the sundarbans directly or indirectly for their livelihoods. Some of them collect honey from inside the frost and then sell in the local market. They are called mouwali. A big portion of honey supply of our country comes from this forest. Some deal and globate, a kind of tree- leaf that rural people use to make the roofs of their houses. The globate tree abounds in the sundarbons and those who collect those leaves are called bauwail. A large number of people also go fishing the rivers to earn their bread
Every year, some people who go in said the forest fall pray to the Royal Bengal Tiger, another world famous species that is facing treat of extinction. Getting to see the Royal Bengal Tiger in the sunderbans is a rare opportunity, but pugmarks can be seen in almost every part of the forest. Herds of spotted deer sipping water from a lake are the scene that attracts tourists the most.